#StoriesofGratitude Campaign
Today, Saturday, April 25th, 2020 the Indiana Parkinson Foundation is proud to participate in #ParkinsonsAwarenessMonth through our #StoriesofGratitude campaign.
As many of you know, our biggest event of the year, Choose to Move Race to beat Parkinson’s was scheduled for today and has been postponed to Saturday, September 12th. This annual event continues to grow and brings awareness for Parkinson’s to our community.
Since we are unable to “come together” for our race, we are launching a #StoriesofGratitude so we can “come together” in a different way. In the next several days, you will be connected with the faces of the Indiana Parkinson Foundation, showing their gratitude and joy through pictures, videos and blogs.
During these difficult times, we are choosing to find JOY in everything and see how focusing on the good will create more happiness. The Indiana Parkinson Foundation provides The CLIMB exercise program throughout the state, multiple support groups and free educational events. At this time we are doing our best to stay connected and continue our services through online calls, classes and support groups. We find JOY in staying connected to our community. Please consider supporting our efforts to continue connecting those with Parkinson’s with needed resources.
Will you donate to our cause, making a difference in the lives of those living with Parkinson’s disease?
On May 5th, 2020 #GivingTuesdayNow, a global day of giving and unity is set as an emergency response to the unprecedented need brought about by COVID-19. The Indiana Parkinson Foundation is excited to conclude the #StoriesofGratitude campaign on this global day of giving.
We invite you to participate in giving back and creating change in the lives of those living with Parkinson’s Disease through our mission of providing needed resources for the Parkinson’s community.
Nearly one million people will be living with Parkinson’s in the US in 2020, with approximately 60,000 diagnosed each year. The Indiana Parkinson Foundation is committed to improving the lives of those with Parkinson’s through research based exercise and support systems.
Will you partner with us as we continue our mission?