Stories of Gratitude
Will you donate towards a cause making a difference in
People with Parkinson’s lives throughout Indiana?

On Saturday, April 25, 2020, the Indiana Parkinson Foundation is proud to participate in #ParkinsonsAwarenessMonth through our #StoriesofGratitude campaign. In place of Choose to Move Race to beat Parkinson’s, we are launching our Stories of Gratitude Campaign and will be connecting you with the faces of the Indiana Parkinson Foundation.
**Pictured: Mary Ann & Daniel Lowe – Noblesville CLIMB member

Sharing Our Gratitude
Throughout our campaign, you will be connected with the faces of the Indiana Parkinson Foundation, sharing their gratitude and joy through pictures, videos and stories.
**Pictured: Dianne Roden – Noblesville CLIMB member

Create More Happiness
During these difficult times, let’s choose to look for JOY in everything, to have HOPE and see how focusing on the GOOD will create more HAPPINESS.
**Pictured: Addie Cunningham – IPF Program Director

The Indiana Parkinson Foundation provides The CLIMB exercise program in 12 locations, multiple support groups and free educational events.
**Pictured: Greg Clapper – Greenwood CLIMB member

On this global day of unity, we are grateful to all who have responded to COVID-19. Thank you first responders!
**Pictured: ER nurse (daughter of Board member, Chuck Tobar) and her team.