CLIMB Online Preview

Welcome to CLIMB Online, a comprehensive exercise program designed specifically for individuals with Parkinson’s disease. Our goal is to enhance your quality of life through a variety of targeted exercises and therapies. Explore our diverse categories to find what suits you best.

Exercises performed in this video will be done at your own risk. Please pause the video between exercises if you feel the routine is too fast for you. We suggest that you never exercise alone. Indiana Parkinson Foundation is not responsible for any injuries or complications that may arise from this material. Always consult your physician before starting any new exercise routine.

#IndianaParkinsonFoundation provides fitness classes called The CLIMB for people with #Parkinsons and their care partners in locations across Indiana and around the world through our free online home #CLIMB Online series. Our mission is to come alongside those with Parkinson’s disease and their families and provide valuable programs and services to improve their lives physically, mentally and spiritually.

Strength Building


Dance Therapy

Ask a Therapist

Voice and Speech


Functional Movement
